Days to Know: March 2022 - Touchstone

Days to Know: March 2022

The Touchstone Diversity Initiative presents March 2022 days to know and remember.

3/2: Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is a Christian day of fasting and prayer that begins the season of Lent. Catholics often go to mass and have ashes drawn in a cross on their forehead.

3/8: International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is intended to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. To celebrate, it is suggested that people donate to a women’s charity, or reach out to a woman who has inspired them.

3/10: Harriet Tubman’s Birthday

Harriet Tubman is the former slave who saved countless people utilizing the Underground Railroad, a network of people (both African American and white) who offered shelter and aid to escaped slaves prior to the American Civil War.

 3/17: St. Patrick’s Day

This is the feast day of Saint Patrick, a Catholic saint. His feast day is now both a cultural and religious celebration recognized around the world.

 3/19: Holi

Holi is a Hindu holiday that celebrates the winter harvest as well as the onset of spring. Holi is known as the “Festival of Colors.” Often, people gather in local parks and neighborhoods with brightly colored powders to throw and smear on their faces and clothes.

3/21: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

On March 21, 1960, the police killed 69 people in South Africa when they opened fire on a peaceful demonstration against racial discrimination. In rememberance of those who lost their lives on this day, and to bring further attention to the international efforts end racial discrimination, the United Nations created this day of observance.

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